Go Ahead and Try to Separate Your Teen from Their Mobile Phone

Teens Triple Mobile Phone Usage

It won’t happen. But you already knew that didn’t you? Well now the research officially supports what you already intuitively knew. Teens are leading the mobile phone usage charge!

Nielsen’s latest study on mobile phone usage shows that U.S. teens have tripled their mobile data usage in the past year. Teens are still focused on texting with the number of messages exchanged, both SMS and MMS, hitting 3,417 messages per month per teen in the third quarter of 2011. This equates to an average of 7 messages per waking hour. Teen girls send the most text messages, averaging 3,952 messages sent and received per month, versus 2,815 for teen boys.

But messaging isn’t the only thing teens are doing on their mobile phones. Mobile internet, social networking, email, app downloads, app usage, and other data activities are popular among teens. In the third quarter of 2011, teens aged 13-17 were using up data in large quantities. The average amount of data used by this age group on their mobile phones per month was 320 MB. This was up 256% over the third quarter of 2010 and it grew at a faster rate than any other age group, positioning teens to become huge drivers of the mobile marketing movement. Teen boys used more data at 382 MB per month than teen girls did at 266 MB.

According to Nielsen, “Teenagers have officially joined the data tsunami, more than tripling their mobile data consumption in the past year while maintaining their stronghold as the leading message senders.”

Is your website mobile enabled? Do you have a mobile marketing strategy? It’s not too late to address the mobile market and its growing prominence in today’s world. Contact Qiigo today to find out how your company can join the Mobile Marketing revolution.

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