Qiigo Pay Per Click Program Drives Sales for Hoffman Tire

Hoffman Tire Pros

As the first franchise to sign up for the Qiigo Pay Per Click (PPC) program, Hoffman Tire didn’t really know what to expect. Like any good businessman, Rich Hoffman obviously hoped the phones would ring and new customers would walk in the door. What he got was a solid return on his Pay Per Click investment.

Rich has found that the Qiigo Pay Per Click campaign works for his franchise because it puts his business where the consumer is. “People use the internet to gain knowledge about products and pricing. Pay Per Click is valuable because there is so much competition and it puts us where people get their information, on the internet and on their smart phones,” says Rich Hoffman. “Pay Per Click puts you where you need to be for people to find you, with a professional look so they will call. Then it is our job to sell the customer when the phone rings.”

On the back end, Qiigo provides each participating Tire Pro franchisee with a custom Call Dashboard. The Call Dashboard is designed to provide detailed insight into each individual franchisee’s campaign. Some of the in depth information available to each franchisee includes:

  • Total Number of Calls
  • Average and Maximum Call Duration
  • Average and Maximum Number of Rings
  • Number of Calls Answered, Sent to Voicemail or Hung Up
  • Number of Calls by Day of Week
  • Number of Calls by Hour

Additionally, the Call Dashboard records every call that comes into the store through the Pay Per Click campaign. The Call Tracking feature provides complete reverse look up information on the caller including a name and phone number, the time and date of the call, and the duration of the call. The ability to listen to each call has been a great help to Rich Hoffman. He has used this feature to review the calls coming into his store and finds that being able to understand how employees are interacting with customers is a great help to him.

Additionally, Rich uses the Call Tracking feature to reconcile this list of prospects against his customer list to verify which prospects have been in to purchase product from his store. He can then enter the revenue generated from that purchase into the call log and track the revenue generated from his campaign.

“Qiigo is a professional group that is quick to respond to issues. They have the customer’s best interest at heart. I highly recommend them to anyone and feel their Pay Per Click campaign is something that every tire dealer needs to have in their business plan,” says Rich.

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