Turning Off Search Ads is Risky

Many advertisers wonder what would happen if they turned off their paid search ads and just let their organic listing draw in clicks. Google wondered what would happen too. Would organic clicks make up for the absence of paid search when search ads were turned off?

The results were astounding. Google’s study found that among 400 advertisers studied, more than 89% of search ad traffic is incremental to organic. This means that 89% of traffic from search ads is NOT made up for when search advertising is turned off.

The results were consistent regardless of industry and among the broadest sample of consumers. The results are clear 9 out of 10 visits to your website will not happen without a search advertising campaign.

Learn more by watching this video.

To start a search ad campaign and start generating leads for your business, contact Qiigo today at (404) 496-6841.

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