Most Social Shares Appear on Facebook

Category Sharing Index* by Channel

It’s no surprise that one of the main activities on social media is the sharing of knowledge and information. Facebook and Twitter feeds are full of videos, articles and other information found across the web and shared with friends, followers and others in our social media networks. A recent study shows that the vast majority of shared information is found on Facebook. Let’s look at the statistics.

Shares from websites to Facebook account for 84.3% of all shares to social media. This figure represents an 11.9% increase in shares to Facebook over the past year. Comparatively shares from websites to Twitter only accounted for 5.8% of all shares. Shares on Twitter dropped 3% compared to last year. Shares to Pinterest dropped 5.3% to 2.9%. The only social media site other than Facebook to show gains in shares was Blogger at 4.8%.

Sharing by category shows an interesting blend of dominance among the social media sites.

  • Facebook shows strength in sharing in the People & Society and Health & News categories.
  • Twitter’s strength lies in shares about Sports.
  • Pinterest shares dominate the Food & Drink, Home & Garden, Beauty & Fitness, and Shopping categories.

Are you tracking how your content is shared on social media sites? Keeping an eye on how information is shared is an important part of any marketing strategy.

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