Searching for new employees for your business? If so, you might find the talent you’re looking for on Facebook. With Facebook’s new Jobs posts, businesses can now advertise open positions on the social network. It’s a move that some experts think could give Facebook an edge over LinkedIn as the social media platform of choice for professional networking.
The good news for businesses? Posting a job through Facebook is simple, offering a new and highly visible avenue to attract qualified applicants for your business’s most important positions. Let’s outline how you can post new job opportunities on your Facebook page:
Steps to Post a Job Through Facebook
If your business is located in the U.S. or Canada, you can easily post a job through Facebook. Simply click the “Jobs” tab on the left-hand side of your brand’s Facebook page. When you are creating a job post, Facebook will ask you for the following information:
- A short introduction to your post (max. of 90 characters, optional)
- Job title
- Job location
- Salary (optional)
- Job type
- Description (max. of 5000 characters)
As you’re creating your post, Facebook will how you a preview of what it will look like. Job posts appear similar to other posts, but include a call to action button that says “Apply Now.”
How Facebook Job Posts Work
When you create a job post on Facebook, that post will appear in your News Feed alongside other posts made by your brand. As with regular posts, you will be able to boost your job post to get it seen by more users.
Creating a job post will also create a new Jobs tab on your Facebook page for users to click on. When users click on your Jobs tab, they will see a history of all your job posts. Users will also be see your job posts when they click the Jobs tab in the explore section of their own profile.
When users click “Apply Now” on one of your job posts, they will be able to apply to the position directly through Facebook messenger. You will receive their application through messenger, so be sure to keep your eye on your messenger inbox.
Connect with top candidates and customers alike with help from the social media marketing team at Qiigo. Call (888) 673-1212 today to find out how we can kickstart your next social campaign.