Marketing a multi-location business can be a headache online, but it becomes a lot easier when you have the right tricks and tools at your disposal. When it comes to Facebook marketing, one of the most useful tools for multi-location businesses is the network’s Locations feature. Facebook Locations make it easier to create a cohesive Facebook presence when your business has multiple offices or storefronts.
If you run a multi-location business, here’s how you can harness the power of Facebook Locations to improve your brand’s approach to Facebook marketing.
Who Should Use Facebook Locations?
Before setting up Facebook Locations, you should make sure this feature is a good fit for your business. Facebook Locations is designed for multi-location businesses with centralized brand management. Facebook structures Location pages as sub-pages of your business’s main page. This limits some aspects of independent brand management on a location-by-location basis.
That said, there are many benefits to Facebook Locations for multi-location brands. One major advantage is the map and store finder feature that is added to the brand’s main page. The store finder makes it easy for Facebook users to locate your brand’s nearest office or storefront. Anytime a Facebook user performs a local search for your brand, the store finder will map out your brand’s nearby locations.
Facebook Locations also make it easier for brands to centralize its Facebook marketing and messaging. Using Facebook Locations, users with admin access to a brand’s central account also have admin access to location pages, making it easy to post content and tweak messaging to suit your brand’s overall vision. Location pages can have unique profile photos and cover photos, but they are otherwise automatically linked to the profile photo and cover photo used by the central account.
Benefits of Using Facebook Locations
Thinking about using Facebook’s Locations feature for your brand? Here are three ways that you can harness the power of Facebook Locations to boost your Facebook marketing efforts:
- Push Local Content. By having separate pages for separate locations, you can tailor each location’s timeline on a hyper-local level. Recent studies have shown that the local-focus of location pages leads to a 50% increase in timeline engagement.
- Eliminate Duplicate Listings. One of the more troublesome parts of marketing on Facebook for multi-location brands is dealing with user-created duplicate pages. But with Facebook Locations, it’s much easier to claim, manage, and delete problem listings.
- Improve Local SEO. Using Facebook Locations has local SEO benefits. Reviews from a location’s Facebook page can show up in the Google Knowledge Panel when users search for your location. By creating local pages for different locations, you’ll create a wider pool of reviews for Google to build results from.
Making the Locations feature a part of your brand’s Facebook marketing game plan could be a game changer if you run a multi-location business. For more information on how you can incorporate Facebook Locations into your brand’s Facebook marketing strategy, contact Qiigo today.
The Facebook marketing experts at Qiigo can help you build likes, boost shares, and generate real, tangible leads for your business. Call us at (888) 673-1212 to learn more about how we can help your business.