Google Announces Click-to-Call for Mobile Devices

Getting connected with mobile phone users just got easier! Beginning in January, it will be possible to use a web enabled mobile phone to search Google, click on the results phone number and connect directly to the business of your choice.

Here’s what you need to know so that your business can benefit from the new Google Click-to-Call service.

  • Charges for the Click-to-Call service are the same as those for clicks to your website.
  • Your phone number will appear as a fifth line of ad text for mobile devices that feature full HTML browsers. The iPhone, Android and Palm WebOS all feature full HTML browsers. Results displayed will be based on the geographic location of the customer dialing.
  • AdWords will show the number of calls resulting from your ads on your “Campaign Summary” page. Simply select the “Filter and Views” drop down, and choose the “Click Type” segment option.
  • To take advantage of the new Click-to-Call service:
    • Make sure your campaign is targeting mobile devices with full HTML browsers.
    • Under “Campaign Settings” be sure you have included phone numbers with your business addresses.
  • If you do not want to take advantage of Click-to-Call, simply remove your phone number from your business listings for those campaigns targeting mobile devices.

The Google Click-to-Call feature makes connecting with your customers easier than ever.

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