For Local Marketing, Google Hotpot is the Next Big Thing

Google Hotpot

Many business owners go to Google Places and claim their business listing. This basic online marketing strategy is well known, but with the addition of Hotpot, Google Places has taken on a whole new meaning.

Google Hotpot is a local recommendation engine that allows consumers to rate businesses, stores and restaurants. Google will then provide recommendations on other stores, restaurants and businesses that are similar to those they rate positively.

The first B to B marketing campaign to promote the new Google Hotpot was launched in Portland on December 9 and targeted businesses with a strong online presence. Businesses in the Portland that have claimed their Google Places page can request a free Business Kit to help them promote their business and get recommended.

The Business Kit “holds the keys to making your Google Places page famous.” The kit contains a variety of products to help promote your business. Items range from basic customized cards and stickers to the interactive “recommended on Google” window sticker. This window sticker is designed to interact with smart phones. Smart phone users can then touch their phones to the sticker to find out more about your business.

The new Google Hotpot is sure to lead the way in providing businesses with a new avenue to reach consumers. Combining Hotpot ratings with Facebook and Twitter followings is an ideal way to engage and interact with your customers. Encouraging your faithful customers to provide positive reviews on Hotpot is bound to draw in new customers. As Jeff Aguero, Google product marketing manager, explains, “If you give “Pizza Place X” a five-star rating then the next time you search for pizza in another city [Hotpot] will know that Place X is similar to Place Y, and Hotpot can enhance your search results.”

Keep an eye on Google Hotpot and watch for them to expand their marketing efforts to your city. Be one of the first to get your Business Kit and start exploring this exciting new venue for consumer engagement.

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