The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) have recently announced hopes for a new set of industry guidelines to lead the mobile advertising industry. The ‘Mobile Phone Creative Guidelines’ are designed to standardize mobile advertising throughout the industry.
Michael Becker, managing director of MMA North America, said, “Historically, we’ve been applying Internet language to mobile. But mobile is a unique medium that gets you closer to the consumer than any other. Because of that it needs its own unique framework.”
The proposed guidelines will provide a means for categorizing ads based on their specs. Specs expected to be included in the guidelines include size, load time and use of rich media.
The implementation of these guidelines should provide a wide variety of benefits for advertisers and creative teams alike. One of these benefits includes standardized metrics for tracking mobile ad performance. The ability to accurately track leads from mobile ads means more advertisers are likely to fuel even more interest in mobile advertising.
If your business is considering mobile marketing, contact Qiigo today at (404) 496-6841. We can help you reach the mobile consumer.