The millennial generation is subset of Generation X. While there is no clear delineation of when this generation starts and ends, they will exert their influence on digital media strategies for years to come. Millennials currently range in age from 18 to 34 and are the first generation to identify as “digitally native.” Their purchasing power is expected to reach $200 billion by 2017 with a large precentage of that purchasing to be had online. The millennial generation is also America’s most racially diverse generation.
Within the millennial generation, the Hispanic subgroup shows some interesting trends related to digital media. In the recent BIA/Kelsey Consumer Commerce Monitor Study (CCM), Hispanic millennials lead other subgroups in digital usage and digital media consumption.
Hispanic millennials are more likely to shop online than their non-Hispanic cohorts. Thirty-three (33%) of Hispanics millennials report going online to make local purchases compared to just 26% of non-Hispanic millennials. Hispanic millennials are also more likely (30%) to use their tablet daily for local shopping than non-Hispanic millennials (19%).
When it comes to investigating local businesses online, 76% Hispanic millennials report checking into local business in the past 6 months compared with only 58% of non-Hispanic millennials. Fifty-five percent (55%) Hispanic millennials also report increases in their use of social media for local shopping over the past 6 months compared with only 32% of non-Hispanic millennials.
Hispanic millennials over index on digital and mobile technology usage. Marketers should be aware of this subgroup and consider what marketing strategies can be used to target them.