Understanding Local Insights on Your Google+ Page

Your Google+ dashboard is the gateway to a wealth of information about your presence on Google+ and how consumers are finding you.

google dashboard insights

When you become a verified local page, three cards will appear on your Dashboard.

  • 1. Insights Card. The Insights card summarizes the last 7 days data on views and actions generated by your business on Google+.
  • 2. Driving Directions Card. This card shows the areas from which consumers have searched for directions to your business.
  • 3. Top Searches Card. The Top Searches card shows which keywords consumers are using to find your page in Google Maps, Search and Maps for Mobile.

Let’s take a deeper look at the Insights card and what information it contains.

google insights

By clicking on the Insights card you can access the Insights page. At the top of the Insights page will see:

  • Total follower count
  • Number of views
  • Actions on your content
  • Date of last Google+ post

The Views graph shows total views of your business listing for the last 7 days and 30 days. You can also filter the graph to show:

  • All (Profile) Views – the number of views your Google+ page received
  • Post Views – the number of times posts on your Google+ page were viewed
  • Local Search Views – the number of times your business listing was seen on Google Maps, Search and Maps for Mobile.

The Actions graph shows actions your page has received in the past 30 or 7 days. Filter this graph to show:

  • New Followers
  • +1 Clicks
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Clicks for more info on Maps
  • Driving Directions
  • Clicks to your website

The Your Posts box shows you detailed information for your most recent posts. By clicking on the link for each post, you’ll be able to see more detailed information on each post including:

  • Views and action. This section shows the total views of each post. Views can be sorted by last 72 hours, last 7 days or last 30 days. google ripplesYou can filter this chart to show you the various actions taken including Post Views, Comments, Shares, and +1 clicks.
  • Why this post was viewed. Here you can see how viewers found your content.
  • Public Ripples. Find out how others are sharing your posts. Each share is shown by a single circle. A branch to another circle, shows another share.

Data on the insights page is not real-time. All data takes up to 48 hours to refresh and is considered approximate only.

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