Local Shopping Purchases Influenced by Social Media and Mobile Usage

The recent BIA/Kelsey Consumer Commerce Monitor took a look at how local shopping habits differ between men and women. While the report shows that men are heavily engaged in mobile usage, women’s use of social media and mobile devices has a significant influence on their local shopping decisions.

women social media

Forty-nine percent (49%) of women report they use or interact with social media when making local purchases. This compares to only 37% of men. Looking more deeply at social media usage regarding local shopping, we see that 71% of women cite Facebook as their preferred social media site for local shopping. Seventy-eight percent (78%) of women, compared to 63% of men, are active Facebook users. Women are also more likely, 52% vs. 44% of men, to rate the opinions of their Facebook friends as trustworthy or very trustworthy for information on local products and services.

Facebook isn’t the only social media site garnering attention from women. Women are 3x more likely to use Pinterest as men. 29% of women report using Pinterest versus only 11% of men.

Women are also more likely to use their mobile devices while shopping than men. Approximately 39% of women report using their mobile device while shopping locally compared to only 35% of men. In-store usage is also higher among women with 75% saying they use their mobile in-store compared to only 59% of men. Seventy-two percent (72%) of women use their phone in public and 66% use their mobile in transit compared to 64% and 52% of men respectively.

Is your brand targeting women on mobile devices and interacting with them via social media? Qiigo can help you establish effective online marketing strategies to reach all your target markets. Call us today at (404) 496-6841.

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