Retargeting: What You Need to Know


Have you heard of the Baadar-Meinhof Phenomenon? It’s when you see or hear about something new and then start to see or hear about it again everywhere you go. It’s a common occurrence. When it happens off line, it’s the Baadar-Meinhof Phenomenon. When it happens on the web, it’s called retargeting.

Retargeting is designed to keep customers coming back to a website. Advertisers use retargeting to increase exposure to their brand or website, increase website conversions and boost sales figures. It can be used through Google AdWords, LinkedIn and Facebook. And it works!

So, how does it work? The functionality is simple. Just install a piece of JavaScript on your website. When a visitor comes to your site, a cookie is dropped onto the visitor’s browser. When that visitor goes to other sites, that cookie triggers your ads. Only those people who have visited your site, and thus have the cookie, will see your ads.

One of the best features of retargeting is that it is completely anonymous. You don’t need to have any information on your prospect. Retargeting acts independently of any contact with visitors to your site.

The use of retargeting has been growing for the past several years. It’s a popular marketing tool because only 2% of website visitors convert to a sale or take another action step in their first visit. Retargeting focuses valuable marketing dollars on the 98% of website visitors who don’t pull the trigger.

The most knowledgable brands use retargeting combined with other website enhancements to maximize their return on investment. Retargeting is often combined with lead generation campaigns designed to increase site traffic. It can also be used effectively with website enhancements and improved sales offerings. Ideally all these tools should be used together to maximize ROI.

If your brand is going to undertake a retargeting campaign, there are several key concepts to keep in mind. First, have clear goals about what your retargeting campaign is trying to achieve. Do you hope to increase sales, build brand awareness or increase registrations? Your end goal will dictate the strategy of your retargeting campaign.

Be sure to set boundaries. You don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with so many ads that they become turned off to your brand. Limiting the number of impressions and days the ads will be displayed will prevent your customer from being annoyed by your ads.

Finally, be strategic about your targeting. If a customer buys a new watch, don’t pepper them with ads to buy another watch. Think strategically about the products and message you send. Target your ads based on preferences. Don’t show someone ads about hardware if they have just bought clothing and accessories.

Retargeting is a valuable tool that can drive sales, boost conversions and increase traffic to your site. Use it wisely and you should see positive results.

To learn more about retargeting, please call Qiigo at (404) 496-6841.

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