When you’re marketing your brand through social media, eye-catching images are crucial to bringing in clicks. To make the most of your visual content on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social networks, it’s important that you size your images correctly. To help with this, the social media marketing team at Qiigo is sharing our insider’s cheat sheet to social media image sizes.
Our social media image size cheat sheet is a one-stop reference guide to image dimensions across all the major social media networks. Whether you’re updating your brand’s Facebook profile picture, attaching an image to your latest Tweet, or revamping your background on LinkedIn, our social media image size guide is the perfect resource for social media marketers.
Facebook Image Sizes
Facebook has more image options than most other social networks, so it’s important to use the right image sizes when posting photos to different parts of your profile and feed.
- Profile Photo: 180×180 pixels
- Cover Photo: 820×312 pixels
- Shared Image: 1200×630 pixels
- Shared Link: 1200×627 pixels
- Highlighted Image: 1200×717 pixels
- Event Image: 1920×1080 pixels
Instagram Image Sizes
Instagram images are optimized at a height and/or width of 1080 pixels. For landscape and portrait style images, it is important to stay within the minimum aspect ratio.
- Profile Photo: 110×110 pixels
- Square Photos: 1080×1080 pixels
- Landscape In-Feed Photo: width of 1080 pixels, height of 566 to 1080 pixels (minimum aspect ratio of 1.91:1)
- Portrait In-Feed Photo: width of 864 to 1080 pixels, height of 1080 pixels (minimum aspect ratio of 4:5)
Pinterest Image Sizes
Pins on Pinterest expand to a width of 735 pixels, so resolution can be poor if you upload an image that is less than 735 pixels wide.
- Profile Picture: 165×165 pixels
- Pins: width of 735+ pixels, any height
LinkedIn Image Sizes
LinkedIn has recently undergone a facelift, so now is a good time to update the look of your profile. If so, be sure to use the following guidelines.
- Banner Image: 646×220 pixels
- Standard Logo: 400×400 pixels
- Square Logo: 60×60 pixels
- Hero Photo: 974×330 pixels
- Profile Picture: 400×400 pixels
- Background Image: 1400×415 pixels
Twitter Image Sizes
In an environment as fleeting at Twitter, images are a crucial tool for making an impression on users. Twitter uses a 2:1 aspect ratio for in-stream photos, so unless you want parts of your images cropped, it’s important to maintain this scale.
- Profile Photo: 400×400 pixels
- Header Photo: 1500×500 pixels
- Attached Image: 1024×512 pixels
Google+ Image Sizes
While Google+ has a limited base of active users, it plays a crucial role in the way your brand appears within Google results. That’s reason enough to optimize the images you host on the network.
- Profile Photo: 250×250 pixels
- Cover Image: 1080×608 pixels
- Shared Image: 497 pixel width
- Shared Link: 150×150 pixels
YouTube Image Sizes
Your cover photo on YouTube is the first thing many users see when they visit your page. YouTube uses different dimensions for different devices, so we recommend an optimized version of your cover photo for each device:
- Desktop Cover Photo: 2560×423 pixels
- Mobile Cover Photo: 1546×423 pixels
- Tablet Cover Photo: 1855×423 pixels
- TV Cover Photo: 2560×1440 pixels
By using the social media image sizes outlined above, you’ll be able to optimize your brand’s visual presence across social media. Want the whole kit’n’caboodle? Look below…
Create raving fans on social media with help from the experts at Qiigo. Call (888) 673-1212 today to discover your brand’s social media marketing game plan.