How Successful Brands Use Digital Marketing to Target Millennials

Marketing to Millennials Qiigo BlogThere is no market segment more attractive — or more perplexing — to modern brands than millennials. Consumers aged 18 to 34 are now the largest consumer demographic in the United States and are spending upwards of $600 billion each year on products and services. But unlike their parents and grandparents, millennials are highly resistant to traditional marketing avenues.

So how do successful brands reach millennial consumers? They harness the power of digital marketing.

Brands with digital savvy are dominating the millennial market. By coordinating their online, mobile, and social strategies, smart brands are generating loyal, avid customers among millennial consumers.

If your brand sees room for growth among millennials, your brand’s digital marketing game plan will be critical to growing your business. Here’s how your brand can harness the power of digital marketing to target millennials in 2017.

Triangulate Your Digital Marketing Game Plan

Millennials’ online habits are fractured, scattered across a range of devices and networks. More than any other demographic, millennials are comfortable switching back and forth between devices, sites, and apps. For brands, this means that a successful digital marketing strategy for millennials must be a coordinated effort. When marketing to millennials online, a triangulated strategy across desktop, mobile, and social platforms is essential.

Successful brands create a cohesive, multi-platform experience for millennial users. This means a seamless experience as millennials research brands on mobile browsers, track their reviews on social networks, and move to desktop computers to make a final transaction.

With Millennials, Give More to Get More

Unlike millennials, baby boomers and generation Xers were raised on one-way media. Old media, including newspapers, magazines, radio, movies, and television, lacked interactivity. But for generation Y, the interactive nature of the internet has shaped the purchasing behaviors of younger consumers.

This means that when millennials interact with brands, they expect a more give-and-take experience than their parents and grandparents did. To attract and retain millennial consumers, brands need to build an appealing, personable identity and find ways to offer value through their online content. Whether that’s by maintaining a slick social media presence or operating an information-packed blog, you can get more by giving more through your digital marketing channels.

Micro-Target with Social Segments

Millennials have a habit of baffling brands for one simple reason — brands tend to approach Millennials the way they approached past generations: as a monolith. But millennials are a more socially diverse and fragmented generation than any other. As a result, taking a broad approach to the Millennial market is counterproductive more often than not.

But in the internet age, a fragmented market is a benefit for smart brands, not a stumbling block. That’s because it’s now easier than ever to micro-target your brand’s top prospects. Millennials define themselves by their social circles, and by micro-targeting Millennials through social segmentation, you’ll be able to match your brand’s digital marketing efforts to the users who are most in tune with who your brand is and what your brand does.

Capture the attention of millennial consumers with help from the digital marketing experts at Qiigo. Call us today at (888) 673-1212 to get started.

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