Twitter is all the rage. Oprah tweets. The New York Times tweets. The Los Angeles Dodgers tweet. So what is it and how does it work. Here are a few things to know about Twitter so you can get started tweeting away.
Twitter is a social and fun method of keeping up with your friends, family, celebrities and organizations of all kinds. A micro-blog, Twitter allows users to post 140 character messages to their site. You can also respond to other Twitter member’s postings with messages of the same length. Each message posted is known as a “tweet.”
As you view and respond to other’s postings, you can opt to follow the blogs of other Twitter members. Becoming a “follower” of another’s blog allows you to see their postings on your site. This allows you to keep up to date with all that they are doing, thinking and seeing. You can access Twitter from their website (, via desktop applications or your cell phone. So keeping your followers up to date on your activities is really easy.
Part of the “life streaming” movement, Twitter’s goal is to allow you to let other’s get a glimpse into your life via your thoughts and actions. It is a good way to stay in contact while learning about the intimate details of other’s life.
Try it out. Log on and start tweeting with your friends. See if you like it…some do, some don’t. But you won’t know until you send out and receive your own tweets.